Drugs Causing Weight Loss

Aside from having diets and some physical activities, drugs are also used when a person wants to lose some weight. This weight loss drug is generally termed as “anorexiants.” Most drugs lose its efficacy overtime. Therefore, there is a need of increased dosage, which could be both dangerous and addictive.

None of these drugs deals with the underlying problems, which could result to obesity. Guided by a physician, people are not recommended to succumb to drugs as a method of losing weight, except, of course, under rare cases. Meanwhile, nursing and pregnant women should not even dare to try taking any kind of medications. Even herbal medicines are not allowed. People must take extra cautions when undergoing any diet-related medications, including those famous over the counter diet pills and even the herbal dubbed as natural remedies.

Many people have witnessed their friends and family dieting and even taking pills. They are mostly encouraged to do the same things given the benefits that they perceive from doing those things. However, while engaging in a healthy diet is of course, recommendable, diet pills should never be an option in your plans of losing weight.

The best way of losing weight is of course those ways that are suggested by your own physician; you have to follow those suggested ways for you not fail in your aim of losing weight. If you will be obedient enough to your physician, you will surely see the results without having to worry on the side effects that may arise.

Many people have seen obesity drugs as one of the ways of losing weight. However,   science researches have suggested that those kinds of drugs will make you lose weight drastically without having the control about it.  

Currently, there are nine weight loss drugs available in the market. Most of them work by suppressing your appetite. While many hope to have a quick fix, results have shown that a lifestyles change first followed by the use of the pill is most productive.

Usual weight-loss drugs
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two prescription drugs aimed for long-term weight loss. These drugs, of course, work in various ways, which also come in various side effects.

Sibutramine (Meridia)
How it works? Meridia practically changes brain chemistry, which could make a person feel satiated easily. The initial dosage of this drug is 10 milligrams (mg) once a day.

Usual side effects
The usual side effects that are seen from patients who are taking Sibutramine are headache, increased blood pressure, constipation, dry mouth, and insomnia

Orlistat (Xenical)
How it works? Xenical prevents your intestine to absorb fat. The initial dosage in taking up Xenical is 120 mg three times a day.

Common side effects
People who are taking Xenical usually experience frequent oily bowel movements, bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Though they are not often prescribed by doctors, drugs like phentermine (Adipex-P, Ionamin), are just approved for a short-term use. These kinds of drugs suppress a person’s appetite. When taken for a short time — usually less than twelve weeks — the drugs can only lead to temporary weight loss. The side effects the said medications may include nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, vomiting, and lightheadedness.

Weight loss drugs are not ideal for cosmetic weight loss. They are designed to help the obese patients, which serve as a part of their weight management plan. In addition, they should not be treated as mere substitute for healthy eating and physical exercise. On the other hand, all clinical weight loss trials show that obesity drugs are only effective when used in combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Weight loss drugs can be effective, but only when combined with proper diet and exercise. Weight loss actually differs from patient to patient. Nevertheless, the average weight loss is around fifteen to twenty pounds. Before deciding on using prescription pills to lose weight, you should first consult your doctor so you could have a full explanation of the options available. Ask for a full list of side effects before choosing a weight loss medication. Obesity drugs are not safe weight management option for all patients, so get as much as information as you can before making any decision.

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