Foods & Nutrition

Is Low Carb Really The Way To Go?

If there was a hot fashion trend for people doing weight loss programs, then low-carb diets such as the Atkins diet would be the "in" thing right now. Sad to say, though, that with the numerous claims of low-carb diet approach and the several informa...

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Coconut Oil As A Dieting Aid

With the rise of fashionable diets and the so-called dieting "industry," prospective dieters are faced with a bewildering amount of information. In such a situation, it becomes extremely difficult to try to pick out the accurate information from the...

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Top 5 Breakfast Foods

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To start the day right, you have to eat right, too. I have listed below the top 5 breakfast foods according to their nutritional value. The list is arranged from fifth to first, with the fifth being...

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Why We Need Protein?

The human body is a living and breathing manifestation of the glory and marvel of science. It has been doing nothing but achieving equilibrium. This is not mere happenstance, as the body has been battling for balance since the day we were born –...

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Choosing A Healthy Cooking Oil

A lot of us are aware of the bad impact of high cholesterol on health. If you are among the informed public who have decided to lower cholesterol by proper diet, read on. The type of cooking oil you choose in preparing your meal matters a huge dea...

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Acai Berry - A Weight Loss Super Scam

One of the newer weight loss scams propagated in our time is that Acai berry weight loss scam.  It is just another fad diet that claims you can lose weight in weeks by adding Acai berries into your diet. From claims of better sleep, metabolism, d...

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Best Summer Foods

Many people have the compulsion to literally starve themselves in order to fit into their swimsuits for pool season. Many off the wall fad diets get their start this way. The only real secret to losing weight is that there is no secret: Eat health...

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Can White Bean Extract Help?

You have probably seen the advertisements on television. For several years now, starch blockers have been offered as a possibility to assist in weight loss. Doesn’t that idea sound great? To think, you could just take a pill once or twice dai...

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Alcohol And Weight Loss

Perhaps you have heard that drinking alcohol will make you fat.  The idea is furthered through some of our language choices.  If a man is overweight and carries that weight around his middle section, he is referred to as having a beer-gut.  Rec...

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids - What Are They?

Our world is a fatty one. We rely on fat more than air it seems. Whenever we go out to lunch on our lunch break we avoid all of the healthy alternatives we could have and instead gorge ourselves on a Whopper or Big Mac which are loaded with fat, s...

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